
Immigrants and Refugees

Loretto strongly advocates for the needs of our neighbors and holds a special place in its heart for immigrants, migrants and refugees. We join with the universal Church is seeing the goodness of all people and welcome all with open arms. We tell the story of the immigrant to all who will listen and speak up on behalf of human life. Learn about our Justice and Peace work.

Mother’s Day at Louisville Greyhound Station Gift of Welcome and Reunion

By Catherine (Kitty) Madden CoL / July 1, 2019 /
Passengers dressed in warm winter gear leave the building through glass doors.

As she walked toward me in the middle of the bus station, the first thing I noticed was the long bright red sweater pulled down tightly over her very pregnant…

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Five weeks at the shelter

By Loretto Community / May 31, 2019 /

‘. . . one of the volunteers told me if I wanted to see the face of God and the suffering Jesus, this was the place to be.’ Claudia Calzetta…

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Loretto helps provide respite for weary travelers

By Mary E. (Buffy) Boesen SL / May 31, 2019 /

In early October 2018, the number of asylum seekers coming into El Paso began increasing dramatically. Annunciation House needed more volunteers to assist with serving these people. Sisters from many…

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A grateful heart

By Loretto Community / May 31, 2019 /

“I’ve been given so much. Whatever I am able to return, I am grateful for the opportunity to do it.” Mary Margaret Murphy SL, Loretto’s new Vice President, laughs as…

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Sharing My El Paso Experience

By Vivian Doremus CoL / May 1, 2019 /

Recently I returned from volunteer work helping immigrant families at the El Paso/Juarez border. I wish to share the remarkable story unfolding there. I had been reading accounts in Interchange…

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Loretto Back at the Border in 2019

By Loretto Community / April 1, 2019 /
12 hikers stop and smile for a group picture mid-trail on a sunny day.

By Mary Jean Friel and Mary Helen Sandoval The Latin America/Caribbean Committee sponsored a trip to the Mexican border at Nogales, Mexico. We led the excursion. Due to the strong…

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By Loretto Community / March 4, 2019 /

This #NationalCatholicSistersWeek March 8-14, will you #StandWithSisters in serving, advocating for and walking with the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in our society; caring for our common home; standing firm…

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‘White’ Christmas 2018

By Marie Ego SL / March 1, 2019 /
A Greyhound bus station waiting room with numerous people sitting and waiting for their bus.

For some time now Loretto Community members from the Motherhouse and Louisville have been meeting the 3 p.m. “Sunday Bus” that comes from Texas with immigrants who are going to…

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Social Media Campaign to Highlight Sisters’ Ministries

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /
Nine individuals standing together for a group picture indoors.

Irma Avila will be among those featured in a social media campaign celebrating the myriad ways women religious and their supporters stand up for social justice in our communities. The…

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Giving to Good Cause

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /

Note from Alicia Ramirez: I attended the Washington County Democratic Women’s Club Jan. 19 and, as it was ending, the women asked if I could tell them about my upcoming…

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SMA Alumna Reflects on Volunteer Service at El Paso Shelter for Immigrants

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /
A woman standing outdoors, wearing a yellow jacket, light-colored jacket, a denim mini skirt, and black leggings smiling brightly in front of turquoise double doors with large circular door knockers on each door.

By Isabel Forward On the ride home, as I smelled vaguely of vomit, I thought of the many ways these families had suffered  during their time here – so much…

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‘Closet Lady’ Serves Asylum Seekers at Loretto’s Former Nazareth Center in El Paso

By Claudia Calzetta SL / November 30, 2018 /

When I read the November announcement from Loretto President Pearl McGivney that there was an urgent need for volunteers in El Paso, Texas, I decided to respond and make myself…

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