
Spiritual Reflections

These are reflections given by Loretto members at a variety of services.

Reflection on the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Elaine Prevallet SL / August 23, 2020 /

Matthew 16:13-20 Today’s Gospel speaks of  a moment in the life of Jesus when, in response to Peter’s recognition of Jesus’ identity as Son of God, Jesus pronounces Peter to…

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Reflection on the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Maria Visse SL / August 16, 2020 /
An imperfect yellow cross graphic with a purple circle in the center.

I must admit that the preparation of this homily comes at a very mind-disturbing time.  How to keep concentrated on a Gospel text when the United States of America is…

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Reflection on the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Mary Swain SL / August 9, 2020 /

Matthew 14: 22-33 Last Sunday’s Gospel and homily spoke of John the Baptist’s disciples coming to tell Jesus that John had been beheaded.  Jesus would have to be thinking that…

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Reflection on the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Eleanor Craig SL / August 2, 2020 /

Isaiah 55: 1-3           Ps 145                   Romans 8: 35-39                   Mt 14: 13-21 In today’s liturgy all the readings have the same simple message: Love permeates the world. God loves all of us and…

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Reflection on the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Maureen McCormack SL / July 26, 2020 /

In our first reading today, King Solomon dreamed that God appeared to him and said, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” Solomon asked for an…

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Reflection on the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Sue Rogers SL / July 19, 2020 /

Today Matthew’s Gospel presents three parables. The kingdom of God is like a farmer who had planted his field with good seed, but an enemy had come in and sown weeds…

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Reflection on the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Johanna Brian SL / July 12, 2020 /

As I began to prepare this homily, I thought about the fact that this is the last day of the Assembly and you’re probably mentally and emotionally worn out.  Right? …

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Reflection on the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Eileen Custy SL / July 5, 2020 /

“The Spirit of God dwells in you!” Powerful words, Transforming words. “The Spirit of God dwells in each of us.” What do those words mean to you? Are they just…

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Reflection on the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Elaine Prevallet SL / June 28, 2020 /

Matthew 10:37-42 What I’ll be saying this morning can’t really be called a homily. I won’t be teaching anything; it’s just my own reflection on a Gospel passage that troubles me, and…

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Reflection on the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Mary Swain SL / June 21, 2020 /

Jeremiah 20:10-13, Matthew 10:26-33 “Fear no one,” we just heard read at the beginning of today’s Gospel.  Jesus said to the Twelve, “Fear no one.”  To back up this command,…

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Reflection on the Feast of Corpus Christi

By Eleanor Craig SL / June 14, 2020 /
An imperfect yellow cross graphic with a purple circle in the center.

Today’s feast of Corpus Christi is about sacraments.  It encourages us to reflect on the ways God uses the most simple human realities to bring us to the holy, how…

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Reflection on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

By Johanna Brian SL / June 7, 2020 /

One of my favorite Peanuts comics shows Linus, Lucy and Charlie Brown looking at the clouds and reporting what they see.  Linus sees Beethoven, Lucy sees the Statue of Liberty…

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