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Maria Visse SL

“As Jesus was setting out on a journey…” We’ve all been there, setting out on our journeys. And we do this time and time again. Like the man in today’s…
Read MoreToday we go from abject failure to a light at the end of the tunnel. I know I have had “Job” moments in my life journey. Debilitating health conditions, the…
Read MoreGod was reconciling the world to himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. In today’s reading I take on faith these guidelines for life in the…
Read MoreDietrich Bonhoeffer 4/30/1944: “You would be surprised, and perhaps even worried, by my theological thoughts and the conclusions they lead to; and this is where I miss you most of…
Read MoreAlways the question: “As I consider the readings in today’s liturgy, what do they say for me now?” As you know the Encyclical Letter from Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, has…
Read MoreToday we are a week and a few days away from Ash Wednesday. Lent begins. As I looked back on the Sunday Gospel events it has been a quick history of…
Read MoreA child is born to us. Some of you may know that in one of my former lives I was a labor and delivery nurse. So, this night has doubly special…
Read MoreThree phrases stand out in today’s readings: From the Old Testament: “For what great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the Lord our God is…
Read MoreWhen preparing a homily I always look up some general information about the origins of the Gospel for this day. The Gospel according to St. Mark was written about 70…
Read MoreI remember a talk by Dominic Crossan about the parables, and there was one one comment that stuck with me. It was that Jesus didn’t give the parables to answer…
Read MoreI must admit that the preparation of this homily comes at a very mind-disturbing time. How to keep concentrated on a Gospel text when the United States of America is…
Read MoreToday we join the disciples gathered together, doors locked, afraid of the Jews, not at all sure of what would come next. The disciples were accustomed to the presence of…
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