
Spiritual Reflections

These are reflections given by Loretto members at a variety of services.

Reflection on Pentecost Sunday

By Eileen Custy SL / May 31, 2020 /

Recently, in my reading I came across this sentence that caught my attention: We like to think that we base our beliefs on evidence, but far more   often we arrange…

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Reflection on the Seventh Sunday of Easter

By Maureen McCormack SL / May 24, 2020 /
An intricate archway with a painting of sun rays on a blue background.

These days of the Easter season are filled with remarkable events as recorded in the Scriptures. Sister Jeanne Dueber calls these events to our attention through her Stations of Life…

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Reflection on the Feast of the Ascension

By Mary Swain SL / May 21, 2020 /

In Matthew’s Gospel, in the section of the Gospel right before what we heard a few minutes ago, the women have just told the disciples, the eleven, that Jesus is…

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Reflection on the Sixth Sunday of Easter

By Elaine Prevallet SL / May 17, 2020 /

John 14:15-21 Today’s Gospel takes us right into the heart, the human heart, and the core, the center of Jesus’ message. Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and…

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Reflection on the Fifth Sunday of Easter

By Mary Swain SL / May 10, 2020 /
A close-up of a cream white quilt with a light blue circle with water lily patterns within and a border of eight red diamond patches surrounding the circle.

These Easter days are so full of energy and life.  The disciples are off and running to tell the various communities about Jesus and about The Way.  The reading from…

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Reflection on the Fourth Sunday of Easter

By Eleanor Craig SL / May 3, 2020 /

Acts 2:14, 36-41    Psalm 23 (24)    1 Peter 2:20-25    John 10:1-10     Last Sunday we had the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus and how they recognized…

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Reflection on the Third Sunday of Easter

By Maureen McCormack SL / April 26, 2020 /

I love this Gospel (Luke 24:13-35), so many things about it, even the ring of the phrase “on the road to Emmaus.” So two of Jesus’ disciples were on the…

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Reflection on Loretto’s Foundation Day

By Eileen Custy SL / April 25, 2020 /
Colorful handmade banner by Bob Strobridge with the quote "The Loretto Spirit"

“The vocation to be a Sister of Loretto, therefore, shows itself in a spirit of courage and generosity marked by trust in God, ingenuity and the self-reliance, made firm by…

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Reflection on the Second Sunday of Easter

By Maria Visse SL / April 19, 2020 /

Today we join the disciples gathered together, doors locked, afraid of the Jews, not at all sure of what would come next. The disciples were accustomed to the presence of…

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Reflection on Easter Sunday

By Elaine Prevallet SL / April 12, 2020 /
Sunlight shines through the window in the Motherhouse Church

We gather this morning to celebrate                           The Gift of Resurrection The world is charged with the grandeur of God. … And for all this, nature is never spent;            …

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Reflection on the Easter Vigil

By Sue Rogers SL / April 11, 2020 /

This year Easter is likely very difficult for very many people.  This year there are no Easter eggs rolling down the White House lawn.  There is no crowd packed tightly…

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Reflection on Holy Thursday

By JoAnn Gates / April 9, 2020 /
A graphic symbolizing community and connection. A blue and green world graphic with different colored hands surrounding it on a black background.

Introduction by the Rev. Martin Lally CoL This gathering is about two very important aspects of our lives:  gift and community. Holy Thursday celebrates the event of Jesus gathering in…

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