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Extra! Extra! Loretto Newsletters Available!

Posted on April 1, 2019, by Libby Comeaux CoL

It may surprise you to know of the many newsletters that have sprung up from various working groups within the Loretto Community. Below is a list for your information. If you are not already receiving a newsletter on a topic you would like to follow, we encourage you to go to this page to sign up for any and all newsletters in which you’re interested. And remember to report your email address changes!

Loretto at the UN Newsletter brings you up close and personal with Loretto’s peace and justice advocacy at the United Nations. Keep current with action alerts, human interest stories and reports of Loretto members’ and students’ participation in working sessions. Click on a link in the newsletter to view live meetings across the globe on issues you follow and contribute a brief report for the newsletter if you wish.

The Loretto Circle e-Newsletter is published monthly by Loretto Outreach, giving readers an idea of the types of issues and activities in which Loretto vowed members, co-members, Volunteers and Circle participants are involved, and occasionally highlighting some of their personal interests. We also welcome your articles and pictures for the newsletter.

The Loretto Community Peace Newsletter is created by the Loretto Peace Committee to illuminate issues relating to nonviolence, peaceful protest, nuclear disarmament, gun regulation, the plight of immigrants and refugees and other information that can encourage and promote a more peaceful world. The Peace Newsletter closely aligns with Loretto Community’s mission to “work for justice and act for peace.”

The Loretto Women’s Network (LWN) has re-started a newsletter. Building on its history of CouRAGE, the new newsletter is called EnCourage. It comes out three times a year. The focus is on the issues facing women in today’s society and the work of the Loretto Community in support of women’s issues. All are welcome to receive the newsletter.

Libby Comeaux CoL

Libby became a Loretto Co-member 20 years ago and has been walking the Labyrinth ever since. Recently she became editor of Loretto Earth Network News. She wonders what a participatory Earth democracy will feel like. It's okay to dream.
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