Loretto’s Carbon Reduction Fund Helps Support Earth’s Restoration
Posted on October 10, 2022, by Loretto Community
In “All We Can Save,” Katharine Wilkinson and Ayana Elizabeth Johnson write, “To address our climate emergency, we must rapidly, radically reshape society. We need every solution and every solver. As the saying goes, to change everything, we need everyone. What this moment calls for is a mosaic of voices — the full spectrum of ideas and insights on how we can turn things around.” Through the Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund, the Loretto Community has the privilege of connecting with and supporting others from this mosaic of voices. Established in 2019 to honor Loretto Sister Anthony Mary Sartorius’s decades of planting trees at the Loretto Motherhouse, the fund provides grants for projects that sequester or prevent carbon emissions or provide education around greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Grants are available to organizations and individuals within Loretto or connected to Loretto.
Providing grants from this fund not only brings restoration to Earth but gives Loretto the opportunity to stand in solidarity with frontline communities, those who are most affected by climate change. The world is taking steps to draw emissions down to net zero by 2050; in doing our part to help the world reach its goal, we must invest in solutions that bring about immediate reductions and restoration wherever possible. Partnering with other organizations and individuals who are already engaged in this work is one way that the Loretto Community is responding to this call.
Planting trees in Haiti, building apiaries in Cleveland and installing solar panels in California — these are just a few of the creative solutions we are privileged to fund. Others can join in this work by donating to Loretto’s Carbon Reduction Fund. All donations go directly to grantees. Donating to this fund is one step you can take as you move toward making larger changes that will eliminate your dependence on fossil fuels.
Individuals and organizations who are connected to the Loretto Community also are invited to apply for funds! For application information, contact Jessie Rathburn, Loretto’s Earth Education and Advocacy Coordinator, through the form below.
Let’s bring together every solution and every solver. What role can you play in helping turn things around?