
Justice and Peace

Grounded in our roots and enlightened by the Gospel, “we work for a future in which the poor and suffering, the hungry in body and spirit, will know God’s saving presence in them.” Learn more about our Justice and Peace work.

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Supporting Women and Girls: Update from the United Nations

By Beth Blissman CoL / May 1, 2017 /
A large group picture of many people smiling indoors.

I wish to express my deep gratitude to all within Loretto who have expressed support of this important mission of our Community. I’m still a bit overwhelmed after attending the…

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Loretto Supports National Farm Workers Ministry

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2017 /

By Roxanne Monterastelli Carolyn Jarmillo and Rox Monterastelli represented the Latin America Caribbean Committee at the National Farm Workers Ministry winter board meeting in January at FIRM, Fresno (Calif.) Interdenominational…

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Loretto Turns Out for Women’s Rights: A Time for Reflections

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2017 /

                By Lillian Moskeland Families, husbands, co-members and vowed members of Loretto gathered around the nation to stand for women’s rights. Ninety-six years…

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Welcoming the Stranger

By Loretto Community / February 21, 2017 /

Statement of the Loretto Community ‘Welcoming the Stranger’ Feb. 21, 2017 The Sisters and Co-Members of Loretto, a community of faith joined in mission to work for justice and act…

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Loretto Marches in 2017 MLK Marade in Denver

By Loretto Community / February 1, 2017 /
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Loretto Delegation Joins Convergence at the Border

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2016 /
A culturally diverse gathered in support of immigrants smiling together for a large group photo.

By LACC and Peace Committee Oct. 7-10 the Loretto delegation of 14 joined with people from all across the Americas Converge on the Border with the School of the Americas…

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Gun Control Measures Pass

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2016 /

From the Peace Committee A California referendum called for background checks for anybody who wants to purchase bullets — and it passed! This is the first control on ammunition in…

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Louisville Promotes Health Care for the Medically Uninsured

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2016 /
Three individuals standing together presenting a plaque indoors at a ceremony.

By Sue Charmley “Is there a doctor in the house?” This often-asked question was finally answered with a resounding “Yes!” Dec. 18, 2010, when the Family Community Clinic in Louisville,…

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Loretto Celebrates 20 Years of ‘Untiring Support’ for EarthLinks

By Cathy Mueller SL / December 1, 2016 /
An award being presented at a ceremony with a diverse group of individuals celebrating a collective anniversary.

“One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin.” – John Muir In 1995, when Bette Ann Jaster OP and I were at a Loretto Earth Network retreat in Santa…

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Delegation to Venezuela: Sowing Food Sovereignty

By Loretto Community / July 1, 2016 /
15 women smiling together for a group picture indoors.

By Rox Monterastelli(Editor’s Note: Rox Monterastelli participated in the Task Force on the Americas delegation to meet women confronting economic war by empowering a nation. She offers us a mini…

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Forging Peace Along with Garden Tools

By Patricia Geier CoL / July 1, 2016 /

Zealous NRA members held their 2016 annual convention in Louisville on May 21, spurring into action hundreds of engaged Louisville citizens. We are seeking an alternative to the gun- crazed…

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