
Midweek Mission Messages

Midweek Mission Messages are articles highlighting different mission focuses and/or issues that Loretto is committed to addressing. Go here to sign up for the weekly Midweek Mission Message emails.

Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund Recipients

By Loretto Community / December 13, 2023 /
One woman in a pink shirt stands with four young people holding garden equipment standing next to a tree they planted in their garden.

The Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund was established in honor of Loretto Sister Anthony Mary Sartorius, who throughout her years as Motherhouse service coordinator planted countless trees, bushes and flowers at Loretto Motherhouse.…

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Loretto at the UN represents at the United Nations Climate Talks

By Loretto Community / December 8, 2023 /

The United Nations Climate Talks (COP28) are taking place Nov. 30 – Dec. 12 in Dubai City, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Loretto at the UN has coordinated a virtual…

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Loretto Link Looks to a Vibrant Future

By Kim Klein CoL / November 29, 2023 /
Eleven woman stand in staggered rows on a staircase smiling for a group photo

Loretto Link is five years old! The organization was created to help carry on the mission and spirit of Loretto, and we incorporated as a nonprofit in 2018. Our members are steeped…

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Loretto/BVM at the UN Supports the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

By Beth Blissman CoL / November 15, 2023 /
Two women smiling in front of a banner with the world on it that says "End the Era of Coal, Oil and Gas. Fast. Fair. Forever."

The Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation treaty (FFNPT) is a proposal for a new international mechanism to complement the Paris Climate Agreement and address the root cause of the climate crisis: fossil fuels. This…

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Nov. 11 – Celebrate Armistice Day as Peace Day

By Carolyn Jaramillo CoL / November 8, 2023 /
A colorful peace poll stands in the middle of a grassy area while people gather behind it on the pavement.

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, World War I came to an end 105 years ago. On that day in 1918, people celebrated the…

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Nuns Against Gun Violence Call to Action

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / November 1, 2023 /
Large sculpture of a gun with the barrel tied in a knot, it is placed behind many flags of the world.

We stand Full of sorrow, full of tears Full of fears, Twisting in the wind, reeling in horror; We stand with mourners; We stand with first responders; We stand against…

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From Loretto at the UN: Resources for information and reflection regarding the violence in Israel and Palestine

By Beth Blissman CoL / November 1, 2023 /

General Situational Update Statement from the Bureau of the Committee of Religious NGOs (CRNGO) We remind our members, partners, and supporters worldwide that violence is not inevitable. It is a choice.…

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Honoring Sister Susan Carol McDonald

By Loretto Community / October 25, 2023 /
Four people smiling for a group photo, two women on the left and two men on the right.

Last month, Sister Mary Nelle Gage attended a ceremony at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Akron, Colo., in honor of the late Sister Susan Carol McDonald. St. Joseph’s dedicated a…

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Loretto’s mission work takes many forms around the world

By Loretto Community / October 23, 2023 /
A group of adult Vietnamese adoptees pose for a photo with the Sister of Loretto who served at the orphanage in Vietnam.

Father Charles Nerinckx, priest-founder of the Sisters of Loretto, once wrote, “Imitate the burning zeal of Jesus and Mary.” His words to our early sisters and to us today carry…

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Pope Francis meets Jeannine Gramick, US sister known for LGBTQ ministry

By Loretto Community / October 18, 2023 /

Published by the National Catholic Reporter on October 17, 2023 “Pope Francis on Oct. 17 held a meeting with an American Catholic sister who had previously been reprimanded by the…

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Update on the Loretto Investment Committee

By Loretto Community / September 27, 2023 /
A cover crop of buckwheat, green leaves with white petals shown on a sunny day.

By Kathy Wright CoL One of the Loretto Investment Committee’s long-standing works has been impact investments and loans to non-profits whose work is closely aligned with Loretto values and priorities.…

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Reaching Out in Love to Ghana’s Rural Poor: The FST Rural Ministry

By Loretto Community / September 20, 2023 /
Young FST sisters smiling wearing green squiggly Trinity cloth, which forms part of a habit.

By Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL One of the ways through which we, the Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity (also known as FST sisters), share God’s love with the…

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