

Mindful of the call of the universal Church, Loretto extended its Community to Pakistan. Pakistani women entered the Community and continue Loretto’s global mission of service there. Learn more about our Pakistan Mission.

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We are church: in dialogue with culture, religion, and the poor

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / April 1, 2023 /
Two women each wearing the dupattā smiling with the priest for a picture.

On Ash Wednesday, Father Morris Jalal, OFM Cap, the pastor of our parish, St. Columban, said Mass for us and the children. Father Morris is a native of Lahore. He…

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Posts from Pakistan – 3.23.23

By Loretto Community / March 23, 2023 /
A woman stands, waving, at the gate in an old stone wall as other people walk through it.

Dear Hearts, Today, March 23, is Pakistan Resolution Day, marking the adoption of the first constitution of Pakistan. It is a holiday and it is also the first day of…

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Posts from Pakistan – 3.22.2023

By Loretto Community / March 22, 2023 /
Six people gather outside for a photo

Well, here we are with less than a week left in our wonderful stay in Pakistan. I am hoping that this last communication captures for you some of my lasting…

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Posts from Pakistan: 3.9.2023

By Loretto Community / March 9, 2023 /
Two women and two men in Pakistani tunics walk down a dusty brick road.

The days fly by as we now enter the second half of our precious time here. I recently read a reflection of Richard Rohr’s about the “extrovert mystic” and pilgrimage.…

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Posts from Pakistan: 3.8.2023

By Loretto Community / March 8, 2023 /
Two women in traditional Pakistani tunics hold pigeons and a huge bouquet of gladiolas.

Greetings to you all from Pakistan! Richard Rohr wrote the other day that a pilgrimage is a kind of extroverted mysticism. Anna and I like that image. I myself am deluged…

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Anna and Mary Ann off to Pakistan

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2023 /
A diverse group of individuals sitting, standing, and crouching smiling together for a group photo indoors.

On February 10 Anna Koop and Mary Ann McGivern left Louisville, Ky., destined for Lahore, Pakistan. They flew from Louisville to Dallas, to Doha in Qatar, then on to Lahore.…

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Posts from Pakistan: 2.23.2023

By Loretto Community / February 23, 2023 /
A view out the car window at multiple people passing on motorcycles and selling things on the side of the road.

I saw two camels on the street yesterday. I cannot convey the intensity of the traffic — pedestrians, and carts with donkeys and carts with bicycles and carts with motorcycles…

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Weeping with the women of Pakistan

By Nasreen Daniel SL / February 19, 2023 /
A woman dressed and wearing a black headscarf and mask walks down the street in Pakistan.

I took a deep breath and lost all my words. After the woman left I sat stunned and felt my emptiness and inability to help her. Nasreen Daniel SL I…

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Posts from Pakistan: 2.19.2023

By Loretto Community / February 19, 2023 /
Seven women gather for a photo. Five are in white tunics and pants; two are in traditional Pakistani dress.

Greetings to all of you who have prayed us here and might be interested in what it is like being here!! Our trip was challenging in length but even more…

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Posts from Pakistan: 2.18.2023

By Loretto Community / February 18, 2023 /
Five young women in vibrantly colored traditional Pakistani dress pose for a photo. They all wear colorful headscarves and their clothes are embroidered with gold thread.

We have been very tired. The trip took a lot out of us. So we have not felt we had a lot of time on our hands. We’ve taken naps. …

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Posts from Pakistan: 2.13.2023

By Loretto Community / February 13, 2023 /
Women, some in traditional Pakistani dress, gather in a sitting room for conversation.

Hello to all of you, It is 5:30 am and I’m sitting up in bed, drinking coffee Anna has made, and listening to prayers being sung across the street at the Mosque.…

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Christmas Wishes from Loretto in Pakistan

By Loretto Community / December 25, 2022 /
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