

Each member of the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross is “co-responsible for creating a community which is beneficial for all; for maturing in adult faith and effective ministry,..; and for making use of opportunities which add new depth to our formation in Christ.” Learn more about the Sisters of Loretto.

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Ann Manganaro SL, M.D.: Gifted physician, teacher, poet

By Loretto Community / June 26, 2023 /

In I Am the Way, the Constitutions of the Sisters of Loretto, the section titled “Charism” in article #9 calls persons to loving service “to work for a future in…

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Visiting Loretto in Pakistan

By Loretto Community / June 19, 2023 /
A short-haired woman in a blue shall stands holding hands with young school children outside on a sunny day.

Anna Koop SL and Mary Ann McGivern SL recently visited the Loretto Community in Pakistan for seven weeks. Anna and Mary Ann wrote colorful and informative missives to keep the…

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Ann Manganaro SL: Physician

By Loretto Community / June 19, 2023 /
A woman holds a young girl's hand and talks with her.

I will set my hands to healThe scorched earth; the burned and broken I will tendTill this land shall learn some new true fire to build. Ann Manganaro SL, physician,…

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Ann Manganaro SL: Poet

By Christina Manweller / June 19, 2023 /
Purple book cover with the title: "Give Me a Living Love: The Poems of Ann Manganaro SL

The out-shining, out-reaching sea-Strange mystery of life at lastBursting forth in us. Excerpt from “March 1981” Ann Manganaro SL wrote, “I sing of the light behind the sky” (1/1/1981). In…

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Loretto celebrates our 2023 Jubilarians!

By Loretto Community / June 12, 2023 /
A display of names of 2023 Loretto jubilarians.

Loretto celebrates the Jubilarians of 75 years, 70 and 65! We offer these Sisters our love and prayers. We have watched the journey of the Jubilarians. They walk in joy,…

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2023 Jubilarians

By Loretto Community / June 12, 2023 /

75th – Diamond Jubilee 70th Jubilee 65th Jubilee 60th Jubilee 50th – Golden Jubilee 25th – Silver Jubilee 75th – Diamond Jubilee Cabrini Bartolo SL Cabrini was received into Loretto…

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Kay (formerly Sister Josita) DeMarea SL

By Eleanor Craig SL / June 8, 2023 /
A woman with short white hair and round wire-framed glasses wearing a navy blue collared shirt and a navy blue jacket with a white collar trim smiling brightly for a headshot picture outdoors in front of a large treetrunk.

Loretto Sister Kay (formerly Sister Josita) DeMarea died June 8 in the Loretto Living Center at Loretto Motherhouse, in the 75th year of her Loretto commitment.  Kay DeMarea was born in…

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Spotlight on Loretto Wisdom Women – June 2023

By Joy Jensen SL / June 1, 2023 /
Bright fuchsia flowers in bloom on a sunny day.

Editor’s note: We are featuring interviews of Loretto Community elders. We are grateful to the sisters and to Joy Jensen for sharing wonderful snapshots of our beloved Community members. This…

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Loretto prays for an end to gun violence

By Loretto Community / May 30, 2023 /
A close-up view of a candle flame emitting an orange glow.

June 2 is National Gun Violence Awareness Day We, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, the Dominican Sisters of Peace, the Sisters of Loretto/Loretto Community, the Mercy Sisters of the…

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Mary Kenneth Lewis SL

By Eleanor Craig SL / May 20, 2023 /
A woman with short white hair and round glasses wearing a light-colored plaid collared button-up shirt smiling for a headshot picture outdoors in front of pine tree greenery.

Loretto Sister Mary Kenneth Lewis died May 20, 2023, surrounded by the Loretto Living Center staff who had cared for her for many years. Mary Ken celebrated her 80th year…

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Gabriel Mason SL

By Loretto Community / May 15, 2023 /
A woman with short grey hair with bangs and round glasses wearing a yellow and blue striped collared button-up shirt smiling for a headshot picture outdoors in front of a red brick building and green bush.

Loretto Sister Gabriel Mason died May 15, 2023, at Loretto Living Center at Loretto Motherhouse, Nerinx, Ky., with her good friend Loretto Co-member Sue Kenney by her side. Gabe was 95 in the…

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Loretto members share fond memories of ‘‘star” Loretto educators

By Loretto Community / May 1, 2023 /
A woman turns from the chalkboard where she has drawn several figures to smile for the camera.

Recently after reading some books about living in the present moment and being mindful, this quote of the Dalai Lama came to mind: “When educating the minds of our youth,…

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