Archive for November 2018
‘Closet Lady’ Serves Asylum Seekers at Loretto’s Former Nazareth Center in El Paso
When I read the November announcement from Loretto President Pearl McGivney that there was an urgent need for volunteers in El Paso, Texas, I decided to respond and make myself…
Read MoreCourage in Conflict
The booklet “Courage in Conflict: The Righteous Among Us” was created by the St. Louis Archdiocese’s Office of Consecrated Life. It was distributed at the Nov. 14 presentation on the…
Read MoreWhich Way to the Novitiate?
On the grounds of Loretto Motherhouse, in an area of central Kentucky which is today still quite rural, two imposing brick buildings stand as witnesses to more than 175 years…
Read MoreWhat is Emerging?/Emerging Mission
(Editor’s Note: Part 1: A reflection at the one-year anniversary of the Nov. 4, 2017, vow celebration.) JoAnn Gates and I recently visited Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky where…
Read MoreNerinx Hall Celebrates Shared Past and Deeply-linked Future with Loretto
On the 257th birthday of Charles Nerinckx, Oct. 2 of this year, the St. Louis Loretto Community and more than 600 students and faculty of Nerinx Hall gathered to celebrate…
Read MoreEl Paso Diocese Honors Loretto with Dei Gratia Award
The fourth annual Dei Gratia Award by the El Paso Diocese honored both the Daughters of Charity and the Sisters of Loretto. The award ceremony was at the El Paso…
Read MoreOpposing Nuclear Weapons in Kansas City
By Jane Peckham Stoever, friend of Loretto and former member, for the Loretto Peace Committee Why do my husband and I and a local peace group, tangle with a huge…
Read MoreMemories of Rudy Torrini, a Great Teacher, Friend, Mentor
There is a lot to say about Rudy (Rudolph) Torrini (1923-2018). He has been connected to Loretto for quite a while. If I remember correctly, he was first hired to…
Read MoreThe Folk Architecture of Little Loretto
Little Loretto (the first Loretto Motherhouse, located near St. Charles, Ky.) is an example of Upland South folk architecture in early 19th century Kentucky. Folk architecture is architecture built for…
Read MoreLittle Loretto as Landscape Spirituality
Little Loretto occupies a sacred place in Loretto’s history and memory. The landscape of Little Loretto evokes what is precious in Loretto spirituality. Little Loretto is an example of landscape…
Read MoreJean East: ‘My Job, My Vocation’
I am so blessed that my job as a professor at the University of Denver was not only my job but also my vocation. I retired in June 2018 from…
Read MoreLoretto Welcomes a New Co-member!
Karel Disponett was accepted into the Loretto Community as a new co-member on Sept. 29. Karel lives in Lexington, Ky., and is very active within Loretto. In fact, she recently…
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