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“Send my roots rain,” has been my frequent interior plea this summer for our dry land. Then the words morphed into my quiet prayer for so many people–family, friends, friends of friends, the farther neighbor... for all who suffer and for all who perpetuate it : ”Send our roots rain.” #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings

(Gerard Manley Hopkins’, “Mine, O thou lord of life, send my roots rain.”)
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“Send my roots rain,” has been my frequent interior plea this summer for our dry land. Then the words morphed into my quiet prayer for so many people–family, friends, friends of friends, the farther neighbor... for all who suffer and for all who perpetuate it : ”Send our roots rain.” #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings

(Gerard Manley Hopkins’, “Mine, O thou lord of life, send my roots rain.”)

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That corn sure has a beautiful cover crop!

Wildflowers mark the passing of spring and summer. Coreopsis in the pollinator habitat gives way to black eyed susans which give way to bee balm which gives way to sunflowers which give way to goldenrod. Each flower provides a feast, not only for our eyes, but also for a variety of insects and other pollinators. What marks the passing of the seasons in your life and how does each season provide nourishment for those around you? #lorettoretreats #MondayMusings ... See MoreSee Less

Wildflowers mark the passing of spring and summer. Coreopsis in the pollinator habitat gives way to black eyed susans which give way to bee balm which gives way to sunflowers which give way to goldenrod. Each flower provides a feast, not only for our eyes, but also for a variety of insects and other pollinators. What marks the passing of the seasons in your life and how does each season provide nourishment for those around you? #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings

“In my very full life when I need to calm myself, I imagine being in this very quiet space.” - Sentiment expressed by a recent guest at Knobs Haven.

(Photo: Looking from Cedars’ chapel into the woods.) #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings
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“In my very full life when I need to calm myself, I imagine being in this very quiet space.” - Sentiment expressed by a recent guest at Knobs Haven. 

(Photo: Looking from Cedars’ chapel into the woods.) #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings

"When in the course of evolution it becomes necessary for one species to denounce the notion of independence from all the rest, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the interdependent station to which the natural laws of the cosmos have placed them, a decent respect for the opinions of all [hu]mankind requires that they should declare the conditions which impel them to assert their interdependence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all species have evolved with equal and unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings

Clifford Humphrey, “The Unanimous Declaration of Interdependence,” The Alternative Press, Sept. 1969, Berkeley Public Library. revolution.berkeley.edu/declaration-of-interdependence/
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When in the course of evolution it becomes necessary for one species to denounce the notion of independence from all the rest, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the interdependent station to which the natural laws of the cosmos have placed them, a decent respect for the opinions of all [hu]mankind requires that they should declare the conditions which impel them to assert their interdependence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all species have evolved with equal and unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings

Clifford Humphrey, “The Unanimous Declaration of Interdependence,” The Alternative Press, Sept. 1969, Berkeley Public Library. https://revolution.berkeley.edu/declaration-of-interdependence/

Drip irrigation requires very little water as drop after drop soaks through the soil down to the root of the plant. The constancy of the drops provides more nourishment than a bucket of water poured on top where it spreads out instead of soaking down. Perhaps the same is true for us. What allows droplets of God’s love and sustenance to soak down and nourish your roots? #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings ... See MoreSee Less

Drip irrigation requires very little water as drop after drop soaks through the soil down to the root of the plant. The constancy of the drops provides more nourishment than a bucket of water poured on top where it spreads out instead of soaking down. Perhaps the same is true for us. What allows droplets of God’s love and sustenance to soak down and nourish your roots? #LorettoRetreats #MondayMusings
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